Real Estate
Commercial Real Estate
Commercial real estate in New York encompasses any nonresidential real estate transaction. Whether you are a sole proprietor, small or medium business, family owned, or a regional, national or global concern, we have the experience and skills to help you in your transaction, conversion or development. We are skilled zoning counselors and litigators, administrative and regulatory attorneys, and transactional attorneys. We assist commercial real estate clients with:
Entity formation
Contraction negotiation and due diligence
Purchase, sale and lease of commercial and industrial buildings.
Regulatory and administrative compliance and litigation
Environmental compliance and litigation
Zoning, planning and site acquisition
Counseling with regard to financial agreements
Labor and employment matters on development contracts
Public works contracts
For more information about the commercial real estate practice of the Law Office of Michael J. Livolsi, Esq., call our offices today to speak to an attorney.